A place to learn 

Since 2018, Tawodi Nature School has won the hearts and minds of people seeking to reconnect with nature and relearn wilderness skills so long forgotten. Presenting a foundation of outdoor knowledge applicable to people of all ages, this online resource is centered around a love and respect for the wilderness and how students can gently utilize its provisions. With over 30 years of experience in woodland living skills and naturalist studies, our founder, Kevin “Hawk” Dean, provides his expertise to insure students effectively learn a variety of survival skills while gaining a deep connection with nature.

Our curriculum includes:

  • Proper identification of edible and medicinal species of wild plants

  • Tracks, sign, and habits of mammals

  • Construction of survival shelters made from natural and/or man-made materials

  • Locating water sources using landscape features

  • How to safely and effectively purify collected water

  • Trap and snare setting for caloric intake, hide use, and tool making

  • Tree identification in all seasons, with an emphasis on utilization of wood

  • Fire starting in any weather condition using various methods and materials

  • Wilderness travel using map and compass

  • Reading the sky for weather changes and orientation purposes

  • Equipment selection to enhance your time in the wild

  • Cold weather survival mindset and skills

  • And more!


Please join us on a learning journey, as we take the tinder bundle of your lives and kindle a flame of awareness and know-how. The end result will be a valuable skill set that will enrich your spirit, while attuning your mind to the ways of the woods.”

-Kevin “Hawk” Dean